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Ten Issues Faced by Gen Z

by Jennifer       The full version of this List (with images, videos, articles and/or datatables) is available at

Gen Z has been cited frequently as a very socially-conscious generation. Living in such an interesting time with multiple issues from economic to environmental, their activism tendencies are fostered from a very young age. Here are 10 pressing issues faced by Gen Z.



1. Mental health

Gen Z is more likely to report experiencing negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and loneliness compared to older generations. This can be attributed to various factors such as school shootings, student debt, joblessness, and political unrest. From the moment they’re born, Gen Z exists in an interconnected world flooded with all kinds of information. Be it fake news, half truths, or plain facts, our brains are not designed to absorb that much information on a daily basis. Inundated with so many things to process, Gen Z becomes more prone to bouts of anxiety as well as other mental health issues. That’s why it is more important than ever to normalize going to therapy. To minimize the effect of overflowing information, social media detox is also highly recommended from time to time. Thankfully, Gen Z has adopted a more open attitude toward addressing their mental health situation. Compared to the previous generations, they are more likely to take regular mental exercises like journaling, meditation, and resting.



2. Economic insecurity

Gen Z faces unprecedented challenges in pursuing homeownership and stable career progression. They are also more likely to be underemployed or unemployed than previous generations. Gen Z grows up at a time where inflation drives the cost of living to unprecedented levels. The ever rising housing prices, gas, healthcare and daily amenities coupled with the stagnated job market make it a tough economic situation for the young generations entering the workforce. Slowing economic growth brings about the threats of recession and multiple lay-offs, exacerbating the issue. As a result, Gen Z has a different attitude toward traditional adult conceits. They no longer see homeownership as a priority. Employment is also more fluid for them, with many opting to start their own businesses or freelancing for more flexible career paths.



3. Corporate Work Culture

Unlike the previous generations, climbing the corporate ladders is not a priority for Gen Z. Many Gen Zers reject corporate chains for reasons that go beyond mere laziness. They prefer to work for companies that align with their values and provide a healthy work-life balance. Gen Z also prioritizes principal values over monetary one. What the company stands for and its internal culture are just as important as the paycheck. Gen Z is more outspoken about diversity, inclusion, and toxic work culture. They have zero tolerance toward sexual, racial, and other forms of abuse in the workplace. This has changed how human resources departments in today's corporations operate, with more emphasis placed on fostering healthier work environments.



4. Social Media Addiction

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with social media, and it has become an integral part of their lives. Half of their life happens online, which brings about both positive and negative impacts. While the internet enables them to gain information rapidly, it can also foster addiction and some other negative habits like parasocial relationships and online trolling. Social media can offer respite from the harsh real world, but excessive use can lead to negative outcomes such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. While social media has its use, it’s good to log off from time to time and enjoy life without it.



5. Climate Change

Gen Z is concerned about the environment and the impact of climate change on their future. Raised on media awareness about global warming, environmental responsibility and sustainable technology, Gen Z is more in tune about their importance. They are more likely to support policies that address climate change and promote sustainability. Gen Z is deeply concerned about eco-friendly lifestyle, adopting habits like recycling and energy conservation into their daily lives. They are also more selective in using their buying power to support companies who utilize environmental awareness in their policy.



6. Political Polarization

Gen Z is growing up in a politically polarized environment, which can lead to feelings of frustration and disillusionment. They are more likely to support progressive policies and social justice movements. Often being called ‘woke’, Gen Z is hyper aware of the social inequality around them. They are also very vocal about it from very young ages. Take teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg for example. Thunberg is emblematic of Gen Z’s penchant for activism. The internet allows them to express their opinions more vocally. They won’t hesitate to rally around certain issues with passionate verve, like with the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements. There is also a downside to it: when the polarization gap becomes too wide, they are more prone to the “us vs them” mentality and lack of tolerance.



7. Student Debt

College has always been seen as the safest path to long-term success. However, going to universities is getting more and more expensive. As a result, Gen Z is facing a student debt crisis, with many young people struggling to pay off their loans. This can lead to financial insecurity and limited opportunities. The average cost of college* in the United States is $36,436 per student per year , which steadily rose by 2% per year for the past decade. Student debt cripples the young people entering the workforce for the first time. As a result, there has been a surge of Gen Z forgoing college altogether. The success stories of Silicon Valley founders who dropped out of college to start their billion-dollar enterprises no doubt fuel this trend.



8. Gun Violence

In the US, the lack of regulation for gun control has resulted in the proliferation of mass shootings. Gen Z is growing up in a world where gun violence is a common occurrence. But that’s not the only factor. Video games featuring graphic violence and glorification of gun violence also contribute to this. Coupled with nationwide issues of income discrepancy and mental illness epidemic, the lenient gun-owning regulations actually make life on the streets really dangerous. This leads to feelings of fear and anxiety, as well as a desire for stricter gun control laws.



9. Discrimination

Gen Z is more aware of the diversity in the society than previous generations, and they are more likely to support policies that promote diversity and inclusion. However, they still face discrimination based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors. This issue is more sinister than it used to. Back then people were openly discriminative, today, despite overwhelming progress, it manifests in more surreptitious ways. It is harder to detect, contributing to the feeling of anxiety and cautiousness for Gen Z. They are more likely to call out discriminatory practices, which often result in serious changes.



10. Education Quality

Gen Z is concerned about the quality of education they are receiving. The open information available online enables them to easily update their knowledge outside the classroom, giving them more critical views on the formal education they’re given. With their ability to gain educational resources from anywhere, the discrepancy in the school system becomes more prominent than ever. They are more likely to support policies that promote access to high-quality education and address issues such as teacher shortages and inadequate funding.