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Ten Perfect Quantum Physics Applications

by wamiqali       The full version of this List (with images, videos, articles and/or datatables) is available at

Back in 1923, physicist Louis de Broglie proposed that matter waves exist because particles can perform wave functions. Later, Shröndinger, an Austrian physicist, developed wave mechanics. Today, the technologies which rely on quantum physics are in common use, but the story is not all over: the future holds many disruptive technologies which will emerge due to advancement in quantum physics. The energy and matter in this branch to their very basic level, thus enabling minute customization in nature.



Magnetic Resonance Imaging

MRI helps doctors create a 3D map of the objects from the outside without any surgical interventions for the diagnosis. The MRI scanners work on the principle of quantum property of spin. The spin defines the angular momentum and magnetism of the atoms thus converting the positions and state into the receivable data.




Quantum Optics deals with the application of particle-like properties of photons, as light is not only considered an electromagnetic wave but also a stream of particles called photons. Stimulated emission of these light packets resulted in the discovery of lasers. The interaction of photons helped the development of quantum teleportation as qubit can be transmitted from one space to another without travelling through space.




Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission is a quantum process which results in a focused beam of light which in normal circumstances is not possible. The quantised energy levels in atoms is excited beyond the normal levels which creates a beam. Lasers are commonly used in fibre telecommunications, surgeries and DVDs.




The quantum mechanics are used to process information and perform computing. Modern computers use binary digits for the processing, whereas the qubits can exist in more than two states, they can superimpose helping the processing to be faster. The starting steps are quantum logic gates and memory based structures based on entanglement and superposition.




Electricity flows without any resistance or restriction in superconductors. The quantum critical point underlies the high-temperature superconductivity. It can only occur when electrons unite in such a way to move in unison while balancing each other properties. The explanation through quantum mechanical interaction between electron which allow them this behaviour is the key to superconductivity. Experiments revealed that just at the quantum critical point, electrons exist at two different states allowing superconductivity.




Transistors are made using semiconductors as electrons carrying charge occupy certain energy levels which only quantum physics can explain. The electrons break from their crystal structure and act like waves although they are still in the material. Transistor is a common use in microelectronics as it can amplify and regulate current or voltage. Tunnel field-effect transistor uses quantum principles to work in very low-power electronics and it’s in experimental phase.



Precise Clock

The most precise clock today is an atomic clock which keeps record of the time by monitoring the electrons jumping between the energy levels. In earlier times, a clock kept measurement through physical objects like a pendulum. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology contains a quantum clock which loses a second only in 3.7 billion years. The NIST strontium clock will not miss a second for 5 billion years, such is the precision. The perfection of time noting using quantum entanglement.



Encrypted Codes

The old time encryption works by codes using which a sender hides the message and the receiver on producing the code can read it again. However, the key distribution can be compromised and here comes quantum physics application as QKD (quantum key distribution). The photons entanglement sends the key and if someone tries to read them, the sender will receive an alert as the state will change. Switzerland used the same concept for tamper proof elections, however, this system can’t work over longer distances due to limitation of quantum teleportation to 88 miles at present.




Researchers at Japan’s Hokkaido University developed an improved electron microscope which works through a technique of entanglement. The beams of photons creates a highly defined image of the minute object under consideration. They measured a 17 nanometers engraving above the normal reference plane with a perfect accuracy using these quantum microscopes.



Natural Compass

Nature is amazing, some birds are found to have light sensitive protein called cryptochrome which guides them for migration using celestial cues. It’s a speculation that cryptochrome may contain entangled electrons. A leading theory is that once a photon enters the eye, it breaks apart (cryptochrome) which allows the animal to see a magnetic map. The process is not clear and it’s said that this sensitivity can be used for biological compass as a form of cryptochrome is found in human eye as well. The interaction of the inner compass helps the birds see the earth’s magnetic field.